Conversation with Mary and Randy Travis: Life After a Stroke

Louise Kaplan, host of the Wednesday Point, shares her conversation with couple Mary Travis and country music star Randy Travis. Randy Travis suffered a stroke in 2010 and Mary and Randy share their inspirational story about the impact and how they are living with the challenges of aphasia. Randy and Mary Travis visited Bend at the invitation of Stroke Awareness Oregon to educate and share their story.

"Gaining Ground: The Fight for Black Land" with Marcus LeGrand and Sharon Maier-Kennelly

Carolyn Esky talks to Sharon Maier-Kennelly, Executive Director for the High Desert Food and Farm Alliance, and Marcus LeGrand, COCC’s Afro-Centric Program Coordinator about the Central Oregon premiere of the film "Gaining Ground: The Fight for Black Land.”

To learn more about the Good Deeds Project that Marcus LeGrand mentions in this podcast, check out this Critical Conversations podcast with guest Riccardo Waites.

Seed to Table in Sisters, Oregon

Founder and Farm Director Audrey Tehan tells the Seed to Table story and why it's such an important part of Sisters Country. Learn how this four-acre nonprofit farm and has grown over the past 10 years to educate local school children, supply high desert food pantries, provide local produce shares to the community and operate the Sisters Farmers Market.

MountainStar Family Relief Nursery

Staley Micken, Development Director for the MountainStar Family Relief Nursery, talks about National Child Abuse Prevention Month and MountainStar’s work to protect children from abuse through education and support for children and families including the Diaper Drive and other campaigns.

Heart of Oregon Corps

Leanna Williams, Development Director for the Heart of Oregon Corps, talks about programs to connect youth ages 16-24 with training and educational opportunities to help them independently thrive.

Mental Health Resources in Central Oregon

The National Alliance on Mental Illness is the largest grassroots mental health organization in America. Also known as NAMI, the Alliance is dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.

Part 1: Zee Clarke, Author Of Black People Breathe: A Mindfulness Guide To Racial Healing

Zee Clarke discusses the benefits of mindfulness strategies primarily for Black people dealing with racial injustice and racism. Her recommended strategies can help to improve the overall health of Black people around the world. In her book Black People Breathe, she shares personal experiences and strategies for self-care and proactive responses.

Volunteer Expo at Deschutes Public Library

Central Oregon is a hotbed for both volunteers and volunteer opportunities. Librarian Liisa Sjoblom discusses the history and purpose behind the 16th annual Volunteer Expo at the Downtown Branch of the Deschutes Public Library.