86: The Kids Are All Right

The courts can legally take the money aspect out of fossil fuel production.

The courts can legally take the money aspect out of fossil fuel production.

Since 2015, 21 young people have been engaged in the ongoing battle to sue the United States government for denying their constitutional right to life and liberty by supporting and prioritizing profiting enterprises over the right to life and liberty. Juliana v. United States, which transcends political party lines, has the potential to change the course of climate activism, by deinstitutionalizing the support of fossil fuels on public lands.

Originally aired on November 1, 2023 on KPOV’s Open Air


72: For You, For Me, For We

COBLA creates free and easy process for landowners to have racially biased language removed from their deeds.

COBLA creates free and easy process for landowners to have racially biased language removed from their deeds.

Since the murder of George Floyd, Central Oregon Black Leaders Assembly has adopted the mission to build an equitable community, taking on the fight to remove racist language from Oregon's land covenants. The archaic language discriminating against the sales of property to certain racial groups holds no actual legal weight anymore, but unification of our word is what's important for all to truly move forward.

Originally aired on April 4, 2023 on KPOV’s The Tuesday Point


69: Dead On The Doorstep

Redmond Police are looking for the perpetrator of an extreme act of outlaw behavior.

A terribly heart and law breaking hate crime occurs in what feels like not such a small town in Oregon anymore, in an investigation that is still underway. A still unknown perpetrator left a raccoon carcass at the steps of the mayor’s law office labeled with his name and that of the only black city councilman currently serving in Redmond. This leaves them to wonder whether a person who would go to this extreme to send a message would possibly take the next step with human life.

Originally aired on June 15, 2023 on KPOV’s The Thursday Point


68: Vegans For Planetary Evolution

Veganism is a huge leap for your own development, but that’s not where the fight ends.

After vividly dreaming of merging into full understanding with animals, Gwenna Hunter began a vegan community that continues to grow and realize its own strength and purpose. The fight for freedom continues beyond animals into human rights, social justice and encouraging people from all different backgrounds to actively engage in the conversation. When there is access and exposure to wholesome choices, we can choose to heal ourselves and the planet.

Originally aired February 14, 2023 on KPOV’s All Things Vegan


58: Through Black Lenses

Continuing to share real-life perspectives provides an avenue for understanding and lasting change.

Continuing to share real-life perspectives provides an avenue for understanding and lasting change.

Storytelling is one of the most powerful tools we can use to create understanding and compassion, and this is Kenny Adams’ main focus with his documentary Blend: On Being Black in Bend. By creating a film that provides an unfiltered look at lived experiences, he hopes to be an agent of change, urging that we all carry this burden together, and we need to actively coach each other’s behaviors in order to move forward and embrace the unity we all deserve.

Originally aired on February 21, 2023 on KPOV’s The Tuesday Point


50: Each One Teach One

Everyone is trying to live their best lives.

A true innovator and interpreter of the local landscape takes an interesting look at the current components in the school system that are meant to support yet hinder students to reaching their full potential. We must first fully acknowledge, as a society, that there is a problem and that students do fall short, not because of their own downfalls but because of the weaknesses of the system as a whole. By providing flexibility with scheduling and leaning into students' interests, the school system can be more open to the change and growth it’ll take to teach these kids.

Originally aired on February 22, 2023 on KPOV’s The Wednesday Point


48: Realities Of Race

It is when we take a stance on race that we can challenge the current status quo.

How do we raise children to be racially responsible and what does this mean in our ever-changing social world structure? At the collegiate level, sociology professor Tom Barry recognizes and teaches the sometimes unpleasant realities of our collected times in order to understand the present situation with honor and respect for the past. Here we discuss the link between white supremacy and capitalism, the origins of the second amendment and the biological imprint we are working to shift to have a healthier society for everyone to live their fullest expression.

Originally aired on August 5, 2022 on KPOV’s The Friday Point


34: The Couple's Conversation On Racism

No place is exempt from racism.

No place is exempt from racism.

A swath of such challenging experiences from Virginia to Central Oregon, as told by interracial couple KPOV DJ Teryl Young, and his wife, Kim, have truly put them through the wringer. These are real stories from real people in our community who are confronting real issues on racism right now. Stereotyping, white supremacist ideals, racial targeting, superficiality, microaggressions, whitewashing; with conversation comes progress.

Originally recorded on August 8, 2022 for KPOV’s Critical Conversations


29: That Which Does Not Happen Here

“This should be a wakeup call that racism is alive and well in Central Oregon.” - Josie Stanfield, activist/resident in Prineville, Oregon

This emotional interview takes place within days after Barry Washington Jr. was murdered in downtown Bend, Oregon. KPOV Station Manager, Bruce Morris, and Josie Stanfield have an exploratory discussion into the circumstances surrounding Barry’s final evening, what constitutes a hate crime and how microaggressions and fears propel deeply-rooted white supremist behavior.

Originally aired on October 19, 2021 on KPOV’s The Thursday Point


11: Welcoming Civil Engagement

Growing up, he watched and learned from his grandmother who fought for racial justice in his midwestern hometown.

Growing up, he watched and learned from his grandmother who fought for racial justice in his midwestern hometown.

An eye-opening look at Oregon’s historic racism and the work that has been done locally to create a more culturally and racially welcoming community. Marcus LeGrand, mentor and teacher, tells how to effectively cooperate with organizations to offer mentoring, education opportunities and build outreach programs that provide for families, fight for restorative justice and change the narrative around inclusivity.

Originally aired on February 9, 2021 on KPOV’s The Tuesday Point


7: Bridging Past and Present

Myrlie Evers Williams, widow of slain civil rights leader Medgar Evers, continues the fight for justice today.

Myrlie Evers Williams, widow of slain civil rights leader Medgar Evers, continues the fight for justice today.

Wife of Medgar Evers, civil rights activist who died of political violence on June 12, 1963, Myrlie Evers Williams, uses wisdom and knowledge from past experiences to continue fighting for justice and equal opportunity today. She urges us not to forget the essence of Medgar’s fight for equal voting rights and the basic rights of each American individual.

Originally aired on January 20, 2021 on KPOV’s Open Air


4: "Ghost Skins" Revealed

White supremacy is rampant in law enforcement communities across the US nation.

White supremacy is rampant in law enforcement communities across the US nation.

“Ghost skins” are infiltrating local law enforcement communities across the USA, reports the 2006 FBI Intelligence Assessment White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement. This enlightening conversation with Teryl Young, criminology major, aids in breaking down the hidden codes used to systematically marginalize BIPOC communities, as well as, spotlighting the mental and social health of law enforcement.

Originally aired on October 24, 2017 on KPOV’s The Tuesday Point


3: Nurturing BIPOC Youth

The Father’s Group creates vital community support systems for BIPOC youth in Central Oregon.

The Father’s Group creates vital community support systems for BIPOC youth in Central Oregon.

Kenny Adams of The Fathers Group is working to improve the lives of Central Oregon’s BIPOC youth by providing positive role models and an active support system. They continue to promote conversations between the black activist community and the public as a whole to break down racial barriers.

Originally aired on February 22, 2022 on KPOV’s The Tuesday Point