86: The Kids Are All Right

The courts can legally take the money aspect out of fossil fuel production.

The courts can legally take the money aspect out of fossil fuel production.

Since 2015, 21 young people have been engaged in the ongoing battle to sue the United States government for denying their constitutional right to life and liberty by supporting and prioritizing profiting enterprises over the right to life and liberty. Juliana v. United States, which transcends political party lines, has the potential to change the course of climate activism, by deinstitutionalizing the support of fossil fuels on public lands.

Originally aired on November 1, 2023 on KPOV’s Open Air


80: Go Fresh And Go Clean

350 Deschutes puts on the annual Go Clean Energy Conference to spread the word.

350 Deschutes puts on the annual Go Clean Energy Conference to spread the word.

Diane Hodiak, AKA Carbonfreeda, is preparing for the battle with climate change by arming herself with spears of knowledge, shields of determination and daggers that motivate others to take action. Most of what she does is interpret government policy for the average person to understand and learn how to implement cleaner energy into their daily lives and businesses. The Inflation Reduction Act even gives incentives for those who engage in clean energy commerce.

Originally aired on September 18, 2023 on KPOV’s The Monday Point


53: Look Up, People

Solar Radiation Management (SRM) aims at limiting the amount of sunlight reaching Earth in order to cool the planet.

Solar Radiation Management (SRM) aims at limiting the amount of sunlight reaching Earth in order to cool the planet.

A highly controversial topic, the existence of contrails or chemtrails in the skies above and a current government program designed to alter planet Earth’s climate, is brought to light in this fringe conversation. A group of climate activists questions and spreads awareness about dangerous and multifaceted weather control technology and its use of toxic nano-materials linked to several life-threatening conditions.

Originally aired on February 14, 2023 on KPOV’s Curiosity Lab